The dictatorship of monogamy


Dragging the blanket of normalcy over to the side of monogamous people is a HUGE disservice to both the polygamous and the monogamous.

Truly monogamous people are in the minority. Nevertheless, social clutches have pushed polygamous people “out of their depth,” forcing them to ignore their nature-given libido, even though it can only be considered excessive ONLY when compared to that of monogamous people.

People have always tried, albeit in vain, to build the institution of a happy family on the condemnation of polygamy. This is utopian and boorish in regard to nature. It’s like condemning people for the color of their skin, the shape of their eyes, or their left-handedness and forcing them to “get on the same level” as others. It’s the same as trying to build a communist society. There will always be people who will be dissatisfied with “equalization”.

Nature is not a fan of communism, nor will it rule out polygamy, nor will it spread Aryan traits everywhere. It does not and will never allow this to come about WITHOUT DETRIMENT that exceeds the anticipated perceived benefits of these changes. Nature will always demand COMPROMISE.

Pushkin fucked anything that walked. Chekhov was very polygamous and suffered from being “different from everyone else”. Tolstoy, when he was married, wrote “The Kreutzer Sonata,” about a man who killed his wife after he started hating her two weeks after their marriage. Seems like there are way too many people who are “different from everyone else,” don’t you think?

Truly monogamous people don’t understand the healthy needs of polygamous people, but instead the former pity the latter and try to “cure” them.

The “monogamous” people that try to please society by acting just like those who are naturally monogamous, also try to “cure” and lead polygamous people “on the right path,” despite being polygamous at heart. These people have become involuntarily PSEUDO-monogamous after their social “upgrade”.

The coercive situation that comes from truly monogamous people is similar to that of a naive child pitying a dung worm for being “covered in shit,” and then forcibly bringing it home and feeding it milk, which the child loves very much.

The “dung worm” might have enjoyed drinking “milk” without being forced at a later stage of his life. However, the act of imposing the “milk” on the worm at this point will cause an aversion to this food for the rest of his life. IT’S EXACTLY the same as if the “dung worm” were to force you to eat his favorite treats.


Marriage used to be held together by the glue that was the fear of being condemned for getting divorced, and not by supposedly universally accepted monogamy. For the last 30 years, the fear of condemning divorce has waned and the fact of actual divorce has taken its place. At the same time, the insipid tediousness about the “corrupting” influence of polygamy continues and has even intensified.

However, the corrupting influence actually comes from forcing monogamy onto everyone and from the monstrous “class division,” that is, into the “proper” and the polygamous, just as people were once divided into nobles and the proletariat in the era of serfdom and slavery.

If marriage is not to be based on any kind of fear, we must finally get behind polygamous people, rightly accepting them as the norm, ON EQUAL GROUND with the monogamous ones. Then people will come to terms of their own accord and work things out amongst themselves.

There have been damaging kinks in history in the other direction as well. For example, during the time of “Glass of Water Theory” by Alexandra Kollontai in 1918-1924, when at her instigation the young Soviet state was dominated by polygamy, and monogamy was despised. This, too, did not lead to anything worthwhile.

THE EGREGORE OF MONOGAMY, despite its minority, once managed to take over the world, just as a small island nation colonized a bunch of territories on both sides of the equator, and now screams that someone somewhere is an aggressor.

There is no transparency in male-female gender relations, thanks to the ARTIFICIALLY CREATED dominance of the monogamous model of behavior. Instead of transparency, full-on lies are propagated, for which people in these circumstances are unfairly judged. We need to create for them (that is, for ourselves) an environment in which there is no need to lie.

Stop condemning polygamy. Then a girl won’t get married after lying to a truly monogamous guy that she’s only had 2 partners before him. Why won’t she get married? Because he’ll reject her and they will part ways without regret like an employer would with an employee after a job interview or probationary period.

Accordingly, a truly monogamous, faithful guy will be able to easily find a partner that is just as faithful and monogamous as he is, with whom the likelihood of divorce is significantly lower. While a polygamous guy will be able to find a polygamous partner who won’t need to hide her “true face” for fear of not getting married.

It is unlikely that either partner in such a couple will judge the other since they know that they’re both drinking the same Kool-Aid. It also won’t prevent them from loving each other as they are. Or they can promise one another to be faithful despite their tendencies – that’s their business.

Similarly, a guy who likes to sleep around won’t LIE to a truly monogamous (and not a forcefully-made) girl, (with the intent of making her PUT OUT) that he hasn’t met a girl on the street for a very long time up to this point, since he broke up with his girlfriend, and that he supposedly broke up with her because she, a such-and-such skank, cheated on him – but now he’s all about monogamy and looking for a soul mate.

When there’s no longer pressure put on polygamous people, the acute deficits of each gender, which exist due to the imposition of the monogamous behavior model, will be neutralized (generally, for men the deficit is to “stick it in” someone, while for women, it’s to find a serious relationship). For both genders, the sexual intemperance and unrestrained desire to extinguish one’s deficit will go away and everything will balance out.

The moral dominance of EITHER of the two models of sexual behavior over the other will always lead to a gender imbalance, whether the monogamous model dominates the polygamous model or vice versa. Skewing to either side is detrimental to everyone. This is discussed in great detail in my book, The War of the Sexes.

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