Why would I read this book if I’m doing well and I’m not at war with anyone?


Dear readers, I have a big request to ask of each of you — abstract yourself from how you personally act or think in each of the situations described in this book.

However, I am not asking you to ignore your personal experience. Not at all. In addition to relying on personal experience, I urge you to expand your consciousness and try to see things that are happening around you that you haven’t seen before.

You might not have seen these things because you either didn’t think about them, considering them not all that important, or you thought about them, but didn’t dig too deeply. The fact is — an ordinary shovel isn’t going to cut it here.

Many real facts are hidden deep in the armored shell of people’s subconsciousness. At the same time, commonly accepted facts cunningly control people with the help of CONDITIONAL reflexes, that is, reflexes that are NOT NATURAL, but ones grafted in by society.

Therefore, an armor-piercing shovel is required. That is, of course, if you want to get to the bottom of the real reasons for the disagreements between the male and female genders.

Let me give you a simple example. When I was recording the audio for this book, the female sound engineer told me: “Vlad, I agree with many things that are described in the book, but not with all of them. For example, I believe that a girl always calls a stranger first if she wants to. That is, if she likes the guy”.

Then I asked where she got this information. It turns out that her PHENOMENAL UNAWARENESS of the situation is explained by the fact that she supposedly always calls the (yet unknown) guy first herself. However, at the same time, she has also been in a long-term, faithful relationship with a man for as long as she can remember, and doesn’t call any strange guys.

This would be a perfect place for that monkey emoji — the one that covers its eyes with both hands.

Many times people argued with me about the statements that I wrote about in the book until they turned blue. If we remove the motive of the discussion called “Arguing for the sake of arguing”, what will remain are a lot of times when the person “in real life, doesn’t act the way that is ridiculed in my book”.

However, I often managed to convince people to abstract themselves, look around, observe others and even interrogate them with a passion. As a result, after a while, many a contrarian not only started to notice things in people that he hadn’t noticed before, but it also turned out that he himself had previously acted in exactly the manner that he had so vehemently denied — and on many occasions.

It can also happen as follows. The interlocutor questions the axioms that are described in the chapter named “Axioms”, argues furiously and selflessly, and when their arguments become completely vapid and helpless, they state the following: “Well, fine. I’ve never even thought about these things before”. Here, the meme where Robert Downey Jr. crosses his arms and rolls his eyes would be an ideal response.

“Vlad, no. My friend won’t read your book. He is married. He’s doing fine”. Well, that’s great. But I’m not forcing anything on anyone. However, I must note that people read historical books about wars all the time, despite having no intention to fight in one.

Therefore, the book “War of the Sexes” will be an interesting read for many who are curious about how things are going “on the front lines”. It may also be interesting to those who have never been affected by the problems of gender relations — not even indirectly — or at least think that they haven’t.

Of course, in no case should the book be read by those who do not want to do so. What I have just done is an attempt to uproot some hidden motivations from the unplowed field of standard excuses — motivations that people may not even know they have.

These are the probable reasons that can motivate people to read the book, even if they are initially sure that the things that are happening globally between women and men do not affect them even indirectly, nor do they affect the quality and standard of living of people in general.

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